Find hope

I was asked, why are you doing this? Why are you blogging? You could use your time more wisely, you could earn more money, chill out, shop... do something good for yourself.
I'll do it! Who says this isn't good? I think it's fantastic. It's not strenuous, I kind of chill out. For me it makes sense.
I have had times in my life where I let go of hope. It was a terrible time and there was no one who gave me hope again or told me that you would find it there again. Thank God – hope itself came back into my life.
I had untied myself, loosened the lines and was slowly drifting away from the shore. On and on... I suspected great freedom and happiness out there. But in the endless expanse, detached, with no goal in mind, I quickly lost courage in the disorientation and when the last strip of land disappeared on the horizon, hope was suddenly gone too. I felt like a heap of misery.
My gaze was lost in the endless distance; in order to see something concrete, I had to look at myself and my circumstances. Which of course I did. More and more. I noticed how much the small boat was rocking in the waves. Fear overwhelmed me. Lonely. Lost. I was floating on the ocean of my life. Without an engine, without a rudder, there was no way to turn back.
But then it came, hope, it walked on the water and suddenly stood there, knocking on my heart and I just opened it. She gave me her hand, came in and now lives in me. Hope is alive. She's like a gentleman: come, knock and wait for someone to open the door. Are you open to them? Or are you so busy with what's going on inside you that you don't even hear that hope wants to enter your heart? To fill it out?
Christ is the living hope. He wants to dwell in you through the Holy Spirit. Give you hope. And he has two oars with him. With Jesus you can get back to the shore and get solid ground under your feet.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13 (ESV)
Author: Gabriele Waechter