The Hidden Treasure and the Pearl

Who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Matthew 13:46 (ESV)
The parable of the kingdom, which Jesus compares to treasure hidden in a field, is supplemented by another parable of the kingdom of God. A merchant looking for beautiful pearls and finding one so precious that he sells everything else to acquire it.
1. A pearl of inestimable value
While the treasure in the first parable is found by chance by man, in the second parable the merchant has set out in search of beautiful pearls. But even in this parable the seeker is surprised. Obviously he didn't expect to find such a precious pearl. He immediately stops looking for more pearls and does everything in his power to acquire this one.
2. Doesn't that also correspond to our experience?
There are people who are referred to Christ as if by chance and then discover him as a precious treasure, while others search specifically for the meaning and truth of their lives. Who perhaps expect that they need several beautiful pearls to be happy in life, and then are surprised that, like the merchant, only one is needed, which is sufficient to satisfy all of life's desires.
3. The Price of Succession
But to find happiness in life, we need a revelation through Jesus Christ. What a mercy from our great God. It is not about merit, but remains God-given grace, even if we have to give everything to win Christ.
So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:33. (ESV)
4. A godsend
As precious pearls are formed in a seashell through a process of suffering, so the most precious pearl, Jesus Christ, had to endure the worst sufferings for our salvation. Let us rejoice in the heavenly gift of forgiveness of all our sins. It's worth giving up everything else for Jesus.
When all our concerns and relationships are governed by our heartfelt love for Jesus and our Heavenly Father, then we are truly free and filled with the joy of our God independent of what people and circumstances can do to us.
Author: Egon Waechter