Do good and take part

A note: Please don't forget!

God has given us humans rich gifts.

  • Er gab uns Augen zum Sehen
  • Ohren zum Hören
  • Eine Nase zum Riechen
  • Einen Mund zum Reden und Schmecken
  • Hände zum Tasten und fühlen
  • In unser Herz legte er: Verstand, Wille und Gefühl.
  • He gave us eyes to see
  • Ears to hear
  • A nose to smell
  • A mouth to talk and taste
  • Hands to touch and feel
  • He placed in our hearts: mind, will and feeling.

God gave us this wonderful preparation to accomplish His will.

Doing good means: giving healing and soothing power.
Compassion means: interest, attention, compassion

1. Examples from the past

  • Friedrich von Bodelschwing, benefactor of the poor
  • Georg Müller, a father of, a father of orphan
  • Mother Teresa, from Calcutta
  • Mathilda Wrede, an angel of prisoners.
    A noblewoman who gave up her whole life to visit all the prisons in Finland. Comforting compassion for prisoners and families. To deal with their situation.

2. Examples in the present

There are many aid organizations for different areas:
Flood disasters, famines, earthquakes.

Open Doors, a work for persecuted Christians. Who bring help to many countries and alleviate the needs.

In addition to the many organizations, there are many individual benefactors. You can't list them all individually. How good that in our country, people work for people.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
Matthew 5:7 (ESV)

3. What does God's Word say about this?

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.. Hebrews 13:16 (ESV)

A dialogue between Jesus and a teacher of the law:
The teacher of the law wanted to know how he could have eternal life. Jesus asked Him, what is in the law of God? You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart. And you should also love your fellow human beings as you love yourself. Jeus replied, do that and you will live. Who actually belongs to my fellow human beings?

Jesus responded with a story: A man went from Jerusalem to Jericho. On the way he was attacked by robbers. They beat him up, robbed him and left him half dead. Shortly afterwards a priest came by, saw him and moved on.

Then a second man, a temple servant, also saw the injured man lying on the ground and went on without compassion.

After a while a third man came on a mount; he was a Samaritan. He stopped, got down and saw the injured man. His heart was full of pity. He came closer and bent down to Him, treated His wounds with oil and wine and bandaged His wound. He then lifted the injured man onto his mount and took him to the nearest inn, where he could better care for and care for the injured man. The next day, he gave the innkeeper two pieces of silver and asked him: Take care of the man's health! If there isn't enough money, I will pay the rest on my return trip!
According to Luke 10:25-35

4. This incident shows us what is important.

How and with what you can do well:
  • Be attentive
  • Look
  • Stop and act.

It takes time, energy and money. The Samaritan did not choose the situation. Suddenly he encountered this seriously injured man and took action.

Even today there are people who have gotten into difficulties through no fault of their own.


  • Illness
  • Loss due to separation
  • Financial bottleneck
  • Job insecure 
  • Familial overload.
There are the sad and sorrowful, the lonely, weak and needy.

Kind actions and words are helpful. Even a kind word of encouragement is good, it uplifts and delights. You don't have to look for the opportunity to do good. But act when it is necessary.

Our attention, our compassion and the decision to do the right thing.

Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. Proverbs 11:25 (ESV)

We don't want to walk past our fellow human beings like the two men, priests and temple servants, without sparing a glance. But stop and act like the Samaritan!

 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 (ESV)

5. Song:

Do you realize that you are very valuable?
Your place on earth is yours.
And that your life matters,
because no one else is like you.

So many people know all too well
how you should behave.
But God the Father accepts you as you are.
Have you caught this yet?

There is room for you in God's creation
and a task is yours.
But you are free to decide what you do with it,
say yes or no.

Original title: Du vet väl om att du är värdefull c little beat music, Örebro, Schweden

Author: Edith Waechter
Image 1:
Image 2: Von © 1986 Túrelio (via Wikimedia-Commons), 1986, CC BY-SA 2.0 de,
Images 3-6:

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