See God's miracles

Gimel: Deal bountifully with your servant, that I may live and keep your word.
18 Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.
Psalm 119:17+18 (ESV)
A large army of Syrians surrounded the city of Dotan in Israel, where Elisha was staying, during the night. When Elisha's servant came to the front door he couldn't believe his eyes: the city was surrounded by a large army with horses and chariots. The fear was great:
Elisha reassures him with the words: there is an even larger army on our side, then he prays: “Lord, open the eyes of the servant.” The most wonderful thing happens: the servant sees the entire mountain full of fiery horses and chariots that protected Elisha.
Elisha prays again and the Lord blinds the entire army and leads the Syrians into the middle of the capital, Samaria. Elisha prays for the third time and the Lord opens their eyes. They realize in horror that they are in the middle of Samaria.
Instead of killing the Syrians, he had a wonderful feast served. From then on, the Syrian troops stopped raiding. According to 2 Kings. 6.8-23
1. What are our eyes fixed on?
There the enemy army was blinded. What is it like today, do we also let the spiritual enemy blind our vision? Or do we pray, “Lord, open my eyes that I may see.”
Whatever our concerns, if we want to move the arm of God,
This is only possible through a serious prayer of faith. Elisha prays three times, whether he used many or just a few words is not clear from the text, but his prayers were answered.
In just a few words, David gives us a model prayer that we can pray: Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud; be gracious to me and answer me! 8 You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek.” Psalm 27:7+8 (ESV)
Every day when we wake up we can hold “God’s Word” before the Lord!
Let us keep his promises before him. Whatever he promises, he certainly keeps!
2. We find life in the Word of God
The Word of God has a healing effect on all areas of our lives. Let us allow the Lord to purify our hearts, as the following song expresses:
Cleanse my heart. About wrong motives and desires that harm me. Take my heart, make it white like the snow, transparent like the water in the lake. Create in me a pure heart. Open my eyes that I may see you. Open my ears that I may understand. All my thoughts, all my strivings may be fulfilled by you.
Text: Gabriele Waechter
- God's Word is a wonderful guideline for our lives. It doesn't restrict us; However, it is a valuable warning about abysses and other dangers.
- God's Word sharpens our view of our relationship with God. We begin to love this word because we see the kindness of God in it.
- God's word does not bounce off us - rather, we hear God speaking from it. It has something to say for our everyday lives. We are richly gifted.
- The more we read this word, the more we see God's greatness.
- Paul prays for the Ephesians:
Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints. Ephesians 1:18 (ESV)
3. A prayer
I ask you, O Lord, with all my heart for one thing:
May your grace, your love always be with us. Hold your hands protectively over us, for we are yours. Every day, no matter what, we are always safe in you. Every day, no matter what, you will lovingly care for us, Amen. Text: Klaus Heizmann
Author: Egon Waechter